Piedmont Triad Regional Model Version

Project Description

In the fall of 2014, the Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) contracted with a consulting team consisting of The Corradino Group, Clearbox Forecast Group, and EA Harper Consulting to calibrate and validate the PART model to a new 2013 base year and new future years. The model is a TransCAD application. Primary tasks were to update the model to a new base year of 2013, and develop forecast year scenarios for 2021, 2030 and 2040 to support the region’s long-range transportation plans and air quality forecasts. Corradino and the modeling team updated the TAZ structure and data forecasts, revised the networks to reflect current conditions, reweighted the NHTS Survey, traffic counts and external data, updated model parameters, recalibrated the model, and revised the model scripts to make it simpler to use.

Corradino worked with the consulting team to restructure the model and program code, and to re-estimate and calibrate the trip generation model from available survey data. Corradino wrote much of the model documentation, and presented training to PART and North Carolina DOT staff.

  • Client:

    Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation