MDWASD S-899 Improvements
Project Description
MDWASD Design/Build 48-inch Force Main Improvements (S-899) for the performance of professional services for the Rehabilitation of a 54-inch pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) wastewater force main (FM). Being a current Unites States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Wastewater Consent Decree (Project 4.8) project, the project consists of the rehabilitation of approximately 19,000-linear feet (LF) of the existing 54-inch PCCP FM (including the removal and replacement of varying lengths of the FM and installation of four MDWASD provided 54-inch inline replacement plug valves) that commences at the intersection of NW 2nd Street and NE 67th Avenue and ends at the intersection of NW 11th Street and NW 7th Avenue. (Miami FL)
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD)