Dixie Highway Improvement Project
Project Description
Corradino designed the first phase of the Dixie Highway Corridor Improvement Project, often referred to as the 'Dixie Do-over'. It seeks to stimulate investment and redevelopment along Dixie Highway by providing safer pedestrian connectivity, safer vehicle movements, and improving the appearance of the corridor. Safer pedestrian facilities include wider, continuous side-walks, improved lighting, improved transit stops, raised center medians, and safer roadway crossing signals and signage. Proposed improvements for safer vehicle movements include reduced lane widths, raised medians, reduction of the number of driveways. Aesthetic improvements include a gateway at the I-264 interchange, trees and landscaping, and banners/sign-age celebrating the history of Dixie Highway.
Corradino received the Kentucky American Council of Engineering Companies Engineering Excellence Award for its work on this project.
Kentucky Department of Transportation