I-595 Express Public Outreach

Project Description
In addition to project oversight services, Corradino provided public outreach services for the I-595 Express Corridor Improvements Project. This $1.2 billion project was the first Public/Private Partnership (P3) initiative in Florida. Corradino’s Public Information Officer team (PIO) coordinated with residents and elected officials from Broward County, the Cities of Sunrise and Plantation, and the Town of Davie. Corradino’s PIOs compiled a distribution list of key stakeholders affected by, and interested in the project, sharing with them weekly traffic reports and alerts with major project milestones, public meetings, and/or emergency activities.
Our PIOs handled all public inquiries including concerns about noise, dust, vibration, modified or interrupted access to businesses properties, property damage, and light intrusion. Corradino PIOs also met one-on-one with citizens to hear their concerns as well as attended meetings of local homeowner association, civic organization, business organizations, and special interest groups. Our PIOs hosted Corridor Advisory Committee meetings and public hearings to provide updates within the project corridor. Various outreach campaigns were implemented For example, prior to a 24-hour full closure of I-595, our PIOs developed a six-week public relations campaign, which included developing and distributing flyers to residents, businesses, the Port Everglades, the Ft Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport to ensure the broadest awareness of the closure. As the project neared completion, the focus of the outreach efforts shifted to education as motorists prepared to use the new reversible, tolled express lanes – the first of their kind in south Florida. This information was disseminated through social media, emails, flyers/brochures, press releases, and through various public meetings.
Florida Department of Transportation