Indiana DOT Selections

Project Description

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) recently selected Corradino for two assignments:

On-Call Long Range Transportation Planning
Corradino will assist INDOT to carry out technical planning support services for air quality conformity, statewide land-use model update, and other support related to the statewide travel demand model (ISTDM). Corradino is the prime consultant with Cambridge Systematics and DLZ as sub-consultants. This is a two-year contract, with INDOT’s option to renew one time for both time and budget.

1. Revising the existing Indiana TransCAD-based Air Quality Post-Processor (AQPP) for the Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC);

2. Improving the existing INDOT Traffic Forecasting Tool (TFT) to integrate recent traffic count data, add new analysis features, and be compatible with the latest TransCAD version;

3. Revising the existing INDOT Land Use Model to be compatible with the latest TransCAD version, improving the Land Use Model’s connectivity with ISTDM, exporting land use information by desired geographic units.

Update of the Indiana Statewide Travel Demand Model
Corradino is a sub-consultant to Cambridge Systematics to update the Indiana Statewide Travel Demand Model (ISTDM). ISTDM is a TransCAD-based, 4-step traditional travel demand model with a commodity-based freight model component.

1. Developing a new base year of 2015 and extend the model horizon year from 2035 to 2045

2. Redeveloping the TAZ/Network

3. Updating the freight model

4. Developing a new trip distribution

5. Updating the mode choice model

6. Incorporating a new time-of-day algorithm

7. Converting to the latest TransCAD version

  • Client:

    Indiana Department of Transportation